Exotic Traditional Japanese Incense Kunmeido Reiryo Koh 230 sticks
Eiheiji, the "temple of eternal peace" is one of Soto Zen's two head temples in Japan. They burn this "Reiryo Koh" incense there. It also appears to be very popular at American Zen centers. It has a rich and very traditional aroma with some peppery notes and spicy intensity that reminds you of the incense sticks from old times.
The main ingredients are sandalwood, clove, foenun graecum (fenugreek or reiryo-koh in Japanese), patchouli, tarmelic/turmetic and borneol camphor, a line up that has some similarities with Korean incenses. It has a lot of herbal qualities such as dill, fennel, cumin and oregano. Behind all the spice is a sublime, occluded sweetness.
Main Ingredients : Sandalwood, Clove, Foenun Graecum, Patchouli, Tarmelic/Turmetic, Borneol Camphor.
Length : 5.5" (approx. 13.5 cm)
Weight : (approx. 90 g)
Quantity : 230 sticks or More
Burn Time : approx. 30 min.
Company : Kunmeido
Either for meditation practice or to create a peaceful surroundings this product is wonderful, delicate and non invasive.
- Perfect for "every-day" incense
- For meditation, relaxation, reading, listening music, peace of mind - Very little smoke when burning